California, most famous place in the world, is the headquarter of SMIC for students who come to study in bay area. In the past eighteen years, we serve Chinese all over China, Taiwan and Hong Kong. We provide information regarding schooling, cultural exchanging, short term courses etc. We firmly believe success is professionalism and persistence. We affiliate with educational establishment and universities with long term relationship. Our successful admission rate over 90% with comprehensive experience and solid foundation and efficiency at one stop servicing. Student minimize time, at lowest costs, accomplish the dreaming graduation.
Our service is integrity and professionalism. We individually case-by-case design procedures flow chart for your need from pre-interview application until the care and diligent service delivered at the end. We succeed to bring Chinese students into America Universities. Our altitude is responsive, trustworthy the first, integrity operate to serve student the best service with quality.
SMIC is unique, compared with others agencies. We are local. We are in California, USA. We focused on international students and professinal service mainly, and no a lot of agencies did. We help students to enroll, apply and enter the best universities including UC, Cal State systems. We provide consultations, application, visa help, foreigner's services, pro-enrollment followup services; Comprehensive six major area: A) high school system; B)graduate system; C)undergraduation system; D)Express system; E)Visa process; F)pro-enrollment followup system.